Sunday 20 October 2013

Reflection On Using Social Media

Social networking has made the world much smaller. It is now simple to contact people all around the world with a simple click of a button. 
I have been using the social networking site Facebook to contact my interviewees, because they are all globe trotters, now being situated in America, Asia and the Middle East! However, I have only collected one reply. One out of four. 
I received a message from one of the respondents saying that the questions were confusing. I tried to make the questions so that they were applicable for the students at the Lee Strasberg Institute and for those who have left. 
What I've learnt is that because we are all in different countries, social networking does make contacting each other possible, but we all still have very busy lives and often it becomes impossible for people to find time to do a questionnaire, let alone finding chance to Skype to do an interview. This could be due to commitments on both sides and the time differences around the world. 
I have also learnt that I need to think about who is answering the questions and put myself in their shoes to understand how they would answer them. One of the respondents second language is English, so I need to think about using less complicated language. 
Due to the lack of possible communication, it shows me that my decision to change the investigation technique from interviews to questionnaires was a good one. 
Hopefully if I keep messaging, I will eventually contact them at a convenient times and receive the replies. 

1 comment:

  1. I to have found this a struggle as at the start of this module I was in the far east, so although social networking is great and has allowed me to carry on this degree away from home, it can not change the fact there is a time difference. Which is something I struggled with being out there, as I have kept one of my methods to interviewing and it is something I struggled with greatly whilst being away, as you stated you have to put yourself in other peoples shoes and a time that was convinient for me out there was not for them. Having said that being back in the UK time zone has made my interview process slightly Easter however again that concept of taking up peoples time, everyone seems so busy these days.
