Wednesday, 5 December 2012


A couple of weeks ago I went into Middlesex Uni and met up with Alan and a group of other students from the BAPP course. I found I had a few revelations. 

From this I learnt that I could be at a disadvantage, this is because my profession is performing, not teaching. By this I mean that because I am not with a group of children or young adults, I do not have a vast selection of people that I can use to gather information from at my disposal. So I don't have a great source of observation. Working as a teacher and doing the BAPP course, there is more to talk about as they manage a group of children etc and can tailer the lessons to the appropriate subject for the BAPP course. When teaching, information can be picked up everyday. Where as when it is just myself, I need to have these revelations to progress. 

So the work I do delves deeper into myself rather than the information of other people. For the course this making what I am writing about harder, but for my critical reflection it helps a great deal, doing a degree is not just about getting the paper at the end but also the learning that comes from it and how you can use that for the rest of your professional and non professional life.

However I did find that I am not just in the dark doing this subject as what I am doing also linked up with other subjects where people also felt they were on a long road and did not know which direction to take next. I was speaking to one girl about her subject. She was taking this degree from an angle which I didn't know you could take on this course. Fashion. However I found that the topics that I am touching on also linked with hers. I am very interested in the subject of low or non payed jobs and she was also talking about people doing unpaid internships. So from different subjects we can help each other. I can also use this for my SIG groups. 

I found that being in an interactive environment also really helped me to spark new ideas. So I need to do my best to make sure that I can get myself into these situations to get the best out of my degree. 

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